During your pregnancy you will need more sleep, and should plan to ensure that this is achieved. Make a conscious effort and try to be strict with yourself, not to stay up very late trying to get certain things done, like a report for work or sending emails. You need to allow yourself to rest, and just give in to any periods of fatigue, especially during the first trimester, as this is when you very likely to feel extremely tired.
You may find, that as your baby grows, it is difficult for you to find a comfortable sleeping position. One thing to try, which doctors recommend, is to lay on your side, with your knees bent, then place a pillow between your knees. This will help take the strain from your lower back, and will also make things easier for your heart and lungs. As the baby increases in size and weight, this position will help to reduce pressure on your blood vessels, therefore, your legs are less likely to swell.
The likelihood of constipation, haemorrhoids and varicose veins are all reduced from sleeping on your side. This is due to the fact that better, circulation provides the highest level of blood flow to your baby and the placenta.
By sleeping on your left side, you are also relieving the pressure your baby’s weight can put on your liver. In addition, it can also aid improving the blood supply to your kidneys, enabling them to flush toxins out of your system.
Another good idea is to invest in a few extra pillows for more support, by placing them behind your back and under your tummy. Most large retail stores sell large “body pillows” or specifically designed pregnancy pillows, which support your body and tummy together at the same time.
During times when you are sat for long periods, maybe on a journey or at work, you should try to ensure that your back and legs are always well supported. If you fail to do this, and your back and legs are not supported appropriately, then you may well find that you are very tired and sore.
With regard to using a computer monitor, it is very important to position your monitor so that the top of the screen is at or below your natural eye level. Your feet should be elevated safely, on something like a stool, wastebasket or even a chair. This should be done whenever possible.
Breaks should be taken every 30 minutes and also take a walk around the office or down the corridor. You need to keep moving to alleviate pain in your lower back, and swelling in and your legs, ankles and feet, which can otherwise be very painful.
Unfortunately, stress is often a factor present in our lives, and is known to be unhealthy for everyone. However, when you are pregnant it is especially difficult, and also hard on your baby. Therefore, if any part of your life is stressful, for example your job, school or family, and you have a demanding schedule and under a lot of pressure, you need to find ways to help reduce these stress levels.